Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A step in the right direction

To begin righting this ship I consider these steps to be the minimum.

1. Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments
2. Apportion the federal budget from the States according to Congressional representation.
3. Pass a new Amendment limiting Congress to 12 years max in the House and 12 years max in the Senate.
4. Abolish federal "welfare" and let the States handle it.

It is time

Social Security is a pyramid scheme.

It is time to change this. Any money taken by government is gone. There is no lockbox. There is no trust fund. Congress has spent it all.

I find it extremely offensive that some bureaucratic moron in DC thinks I am too stupid to prepare for my own retirement.

They are currently debating whether I should be allowed to invest a portion of MY money in certain investments THEY approve. These idiots need to drink their own Kool-Aid.

How long are we going to put up with this nonsense?


How can money taken by force and given to those who have not earned it and do nothing to earn it be called charity? Are the givers of this "charity" ever thanked by the receivers?