Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Same old stuff, different wrapper

My company recently sent out a brochure about our health plan.

Among other gems it says, "we can all get the most from our health care by taking increased responsibility for maintaining and managing our health and that of our families. It is focused on preventive care and wellness, and encourages us to take greater control over how health care dollars are spent."

It goes on and on about how we need to be efficient with our health dollars yet the insurance plan gives us no incentive to do so.

The only way people will think frugally about health care is if they are spending their own hard earned cash on it.

It reminds me of Senator Bennett's (R-UT) Healthy Americans Act. This large piece of poo would force insurance companies to provide "affordable, guaranteed private health coverage that makes them (US citizens) healthier and can never be taken away."

Did you read that closely?!?

Did Bennett really say that!!!

affordable - guaranteed - private - can never be taken away


This man is in the US Senate.

He has the power to do things to all 300+ million of us (minus those 435 geniuses in Congress who are exempt from their own SS)

p.s. SS is an acronym. The second S stands for Shoveling.