Friday, September 24, 2004

Why Iraq?

When Bush announced that we would go to Afghanistan I understood why.

Then we were told about the Axis of Evil (N. Korea, Iran, Syria)
I believe these guys have established themselves as willing and able to create mischief.

But the next step was Iraq. Not much apparent logic here. Unless there is evidence that is not being shared with us mortals.

When the Oklahoma City bombing first happened they searched for John Doe #2 who was described as middle eastern. I even remember a black US citizen who was mistakenly pulled over. Then the search for JD #2 stopped. With no explanation.
Nichols went to the Phillipines at the same time Ramzi Yousef was there.

TWA 800. This was no accident.

I would really like to read the "true" story now rather than wait 30 years, because I am pretty sure we CAN handle the truth.

Update: Here is something understandable.

Whiny rich liberals

Mrs. Kerry said, "she was embarrassed to receive tax cuts advocated by Bush and supports her husband's efforts to roll them back for higher incomes and use those funds for education, health care and deficit reduction."

If she is so worried about those programs why doesn't she just give her own money to those programs?

Sadly, I doubt that will happen. I think what they really want is to tell us what we must do with our money.

These people seem to spend a lot of time worrying about what other people do.


We can do better than George Bush, much better. Unfortunately, Mr. Kerry is not that man.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


When was the last time you heard someone who has been on welfare and then been taken off it (for whatever reason) say thanks for the months/years of help?

Who would they say thanks to?