Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Pure Genius!!!

Oh you magnificent bastard, you!!!

I had been going down that same old knee jerk reaction road when the light finally went on.

Obama really does have a plan.

He is going to balance the budget and pay for the stimulus with cash. Real earned wealth.

He is going to keep nominating people for government posts, wait for them to pay their back taxes, throw them under the bus, and then repeat.

He could even fire most of the IRS.



Blogger tom lindsey said...


1. Can it be said that Daschle (et al) "earned" their wealth?

2. Unintended consequence: If the us population is 303,824,640 and it is true that 40% of taxes are paid by the richest 1%, then congress will be entirely to busy with confirmation hearings to do anything else.

12:22 PM  
Blogger The MacMizzles said...

Holy Frieholes!!! I wonder if the Hil owes taxes...

7:49 AM  

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