JASPer report #1 Stake in the ground
I was going to read through Obama's website and record all the things he said he is going to do.
After the hundredth "Obama will invest in ..." I decided that it would end up a bit wordy.
So I will just list a few things (selected with completely unbiased editorial license) that stand out.
He will give 95% of us a tax cut, for sure those making under 250,000.
He will appoint justices who will administer "social justice"
Obama will sign into law his legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who have engaged in voter fraud (I am sure he will start with his ACORN friends)
He will not take your guns (Update here. He will take your "assault weapons", but that is all. I sure hope there aren't any more updates.)
He respects hunting and hunters
He really likes disabled people and will give them jobs, money, higher education, healthcare, and lollypops for life.
He wants to screen all infants for physical and mental conditions.
He is extremely, perhaps even really strongly opposed to hate crime commiters.
Editor's note: After each category there is a "Barack Obama's Record" section. I would report on each one, but I don't feel like typing "I was a community organizer" 24 times
He will jumpstart the economy by taking 50 billion (this number may need to be adjusted after he takes office) dollars from us and then giving it to people he thinks need it more than the ones who earned it.
He will simplify tax filings for the middle class.
There are apparently no entrepeneurs left so he will have to invest some more (of the money he took from those who earned it) in government run business incubators.
There follows a raft of "investments." He is even going to invest in science. Are they on NYSE or NASDAQ?
He will make it so you can unionize without having to go through one of those silly anonymous voting thingies. He will even send over a couple nice guys to help you fill out the card!
And if you don't like your job you don't have to show up until they give you a raise! And they can't fire you (double sweet)
Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.
He calls them green collar jobs.
He likes cap and trade. So if you think up a great new business idea all you have to do is find the money to start the business and then find some more to buy the rights to turn on the lights at your new business from a pre existing business. I sure hope those kind hearted pre-existing businesses don't feel threatened by your new ideas!
He doesn't like lobbyists. He will shine the light on them and all that pork barrel spending. Good thing he got his wife's employer some grants before he started all this reform stuff.
Conflicts of interest are also history. That's why he dismissed Jim Johnson from his VP selection committee and why he appointed Rahm Emanuel (former Freddie Mac board member) to be his Chief of Staff and may be considering Jamie Gorelick for AG. (Jamie was Vice Chair of Fannie Mae along with Franklin Raines (who Obama does not talk to anymore) when there was a small fooforah about losing 9 billion dollars.)
Hold on...
I have to catch my breath.
Who am I kidding. If you are silly enough to have read all this you know he is
Just Another Socialist Puke.
He feels it is moral to take (by force i.e. taxes) from someone who has earned and give it to someone else.
Let's see how it goes.
OK, one last quote that shows his core principles.
"Americans work harder than the people of any other wealthy nation. We are willing to tolerate more economic instability and are willing to take more personal risks to get ahead, But we can only compete if our government makes the investments that give us a fighting chance - and if we know our families have some net beneath which they cannot fall."
Good to know that we are smart and hard working, but that we can't succeed without the gov. I think he needs to get a real job.
After the hundredth "Obama will invest in ..." I decided that it would end up a bit wordy.
So I will just list a few things (selected with completely unbiased editorial license) that stand out.
He will give 95% of us a tax cut, for sure those making under 250,000.
He will appoint justices who will administer "social justice"
Obama will sign into law his legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who have engaged in voter fraud (I am sure he will start with his ACORN friends)
He will not take your guns (Update here. He will take your "assault weapons", but that is all. I sure hope there aren't any more updates.)
He respects hunting and hunters
He really likes disabled people and will give them jobs, money, higher education, healthcare, and lollypops for life.
He wants to screen all infants for physical and mental conditions.
He is extremely, perhaps even really strongly opposed to hate crime commiters.
Editor's note: After each category there is a "Barack Obama's Record" section. I would report on each one, but I don't feel like typing "I was a community organizer" 24 times
He will jumpstart the economy by taking 50 billion (this number may need to be adjusted after he takes office) dollars from us and then giving it to people he thinks need it more than the ones who earned it.
He will simplify tax filings for the middle class.
There are apparently no entrepeneurs left so he will have to invest some more (of the money he took from those who earned it) in government run business incubators.
There follows a raft of "investments." He is even going to invest in science. Are they on NYSE or NASDAQ?
He will make it so you can unionize without having to go through one of those silly anonymous voting thingies. He will even send over a couple nice guys to help you fill out the card!
And if you don't like your job you don't have to show up until they give you a raise! And they can't fire you (double sweet)
Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.
He calls them green collar jobs.
He likes cap and trade. So if you think up a great new business idea all you have to do is find the money to start the business and then find some more to buy the rights to turn on the lights at your new business from a pre existing business. I sure hope those kind hearted pre-existing businesses don't feel threatened by your new ideas!
He doesn't like lobbyists. He will shine the light on them and all that pork barrel spending. Good thing he got his wife's employer some grants before he started all this reform stuff.
Conflicts of interest are also history. That's why he dismissed Jim Johnson from his VP selection committee and why he appointed Rahm Emanuel (former Freddie Mac board member) to be his Chief of Staff and may be considering Jamie Gorelick for AG. (Jamie was Vice Chair of Fannie Mae along with Franklin Raines (who Obama does not talk to anymore) when there was a small fooforah about losing 9 billion dollars.)
Hold on...
I have to catch my breath.
Who am I kidding. If you are silly enough to have read all this you know he is
Just Another Socialist Puke.
He feels it is moral to take (by force i.e. taxes) from someone who has earned and give it to someone else.
Let's see how it goes.
OK, one last quote that shows his core principles.
"Americans work harder than the people of any other wealthy nation. We are willing to tolerate more economic instability and are willing to take more personal risks to get ahead, But we can only compete if our government makes the investments that give us a fighting chance - and if we know our families have some net beneath which they cannot fall."
Good to know that we are smart and hard working, but that we can't succeed without the gov. I think he needs to get a real job.
My favorite part? Is that we are actually out policing the world!!! Come on! do it our way...destroying dreams with a smile on your face, is far better than outright saying who your enemy is.
I am exercising my freedom to watch everyone else be taken care of, while the old principles of hard work and determination are looked down upon by those who scheme, and are greedy. Perfect.
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