Some light reading
Decided to relax a bit and let the mind wander...
over to
and found that Bob "I will only serve one term if elected" Bennett has a new bill he is promoting.
It is S.334 Healthy Americans Act (Introduced in Senate).
It can be found at just search for "S.334 Healthy Americans Act"
Bob says that this bill "... will provide all Americans with health care that is portable, permanent, and subject to market forces."
Wow! Sounds better than eating free funeral potatoes at the reading of your rich uncle's will.
I made it to Sec 102.(b) which is titled "Penalty for Failure To Purchase Coverage"
Wow again!
Hey Bob, exactly which market has penalties for not buying the product your selling?????
I am trying really hard to come up with some more pithy critique, but I will have to settle for...
Bob, you are just another socialist puke.
p.s. I hear Mitt is looking for a lap dog.
over to
and found that Bob "I will only serve one term if elected" Bennett has a new bill he is promoting.
It is S.334 Healthy Americans Act (Introduced in Senate).
It can be found at just search for "S.334 Healthy Americans Act"
Bob says that this bill "... will provide all Americans with health care that is portable, permanent, and subject to market forces."
Wow! Sounds better than eating free funeral potatoes at the reading of your rich uncle's will.
I made it to Sec 102.(b) which is titled "Penalty for Failure To Purchase Coverage"
Wow again!
Hey Bob, exactly which market has penalties for not buying the product your selling?????
I am trying really hard to come up with some more pithy critique, but I will have to settle for...
Bob, you are just another socialist puke.
p.s. I hear Mitt is looking for a lap dog.