Thursday, February 15, 2007

You can't have it because I put it out of reach

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill that would require health insurers to cover more of the costs of treating mental health conditions moved forward in Congress on Wednesday with wide backing from employers and insurers.
The Mental Health Parity Act of 2007 cleared the Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and now goes to the full Senate for a vote.
"The bill requires health insurance plans that offer mental health coverage to provide that coverage on par with financial and treatment coverage offered for other physical illnesses like heart disease, diabetes or asthma," Republican New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici's office said in a statement."

Need I repeat that Pete is a Republican.

So they force insurance companies to cover all types of conditions real and imagined and in the next breathe whine that there are millions of uninsured in the land of the free.

And we elect idiots like this.


And again.

For 35 years.

A small update. I visited Mr. Domenici's website (

What an egomaniac.

And such a principled Republican. He brags on and on about how much money he takes from others and gives (yes he personally hands out this cash and receives the gratitude and adulation) to people he deems worthy (and who cough cough contribute to his campaigns)