Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lost dreams

When Mr. Thune defeated what's his name for a SD senate seat I was happy and full of optimism.

It appears my naivete knows no bounds.

Mr. Thune is just another power porker. A disgusting shill for those not interested in working for a living.

Citizens against government waste gave him the signal honor of Porker of the month.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What did you expect?

The Democrats won!


The Democrats lost! Well the democrats who call themselves Republicans.

Really Mr. Hastert what else did you expect?

Billions in earmarks.

Federal intervention in schools. Is there any state in the union that needs federal help to teach Kindergarten? First grade? Even Rhode Island and Wyoming can handle 12th grade on their own!

Free drugs if you happen to be over 65. Here is a clue. If you are going to be a socialist, calling yourself a republican is not going to help you get elected.

To the Republican leadership in the House: You are morons.