Working with the USO 3 - 17 30mm tube EREK knob MOA Scale Reticle with Ergo parallax on the objective and a 4" sunshade. The EREK knob has 90 .5 moa clicks per rev. It can only turn a little over 1 rev so it is virtually just one turn. This is fine with me as that allows me to know where I am at at all times. I hate getting lost on which rev I am on. I was told that it has 90 moa of total travel available. You just need to choose where along that 90 minutes you want the EREK to be. I choose to zero at 100 yards. It is sitting on a Badger 20 MOA steel rail which is on a Rem 700 300 WM with Rock 5r tube. With 210 JLKs on top of 73.5 gr of H4831sc those 45 moa can take you a long way.
Initial thoughts. This is a big scope. The ergo parallax spins the entire objective so the butler creek flip ups hit the barrel. Not so good.
Took a few to get centered at 100. 3 more @460yds for 3.6" gr.
3 more @860 yielded an 8.75" gr. Ouch! But then I realized that there was some mirage and they were almost perfectly vertical.
Went another round after the clouds came back and 2.8" @460 and 3.3" @860. Better
I like the .5 moa elevation clicks.
I can't ever seem to get the parallax adjusted out.
But the good news is that the eye relief is such that I think it forces you to be pretty well centered. The eye relief is constant. It is not very far but good enough even for a WM.
Preliminary opinion is nice, but not perfect. More later as I get to know her better.
Update on parallax. Having used almost all the travel in the ocular parallax at 700+ yards is found at the 75 yard setting on the objective.
Update: Sent it back. They fixed it. Now the parallax numbers on the objective are right on.